Adopt Computer-to-Screen Printing for Your Company

When it comes to advancing the apparel printing industry, technology plays a pivotal role. As an apparel printing company owner, have you ever considered the multifaceted benefits of integrating computer-to-screen (CTS) printing into your operations? If not, it's time to recalibrate your thoughts. This printing method is not just a fleeting trend; it's the present and the future of efficient apparel production. Let us showcase how this innovative method can revolutionize how you do business.

Why Is Computer-to-Screen Printing Advantageous for an Apparel Printing Company?

Requiring Less Labor: Traditional printing methods necessitate multiple steps that require human intervention — from screen preparation and placement to the actual printing. CTS technology automates a substantial portion of these processes. The machine takes over when a design is digitally uploaded, ensuring the screens are prepared precisely without manual involvement. This automation reduces the need for a large team and minimizes human errors, leading to cost savings and enhanced operational efficiency for your apparel printing company.

Eliminating the Need for Space: Picture your current workspace filled with screens waiting to be exposed, dried and stored. These elements occupy a lot of valuable real estate within your facility. CTS technology streamlines these requirements. Since designs are sent directly to the screen from the computer, there's no need for films, large drying racks or storage areas. This space economy can be a game-changer, especially for businesses operating in limited areas or looking to maximize their workspace for other productive activities.

Encouraging Seamless Workflow: Workflow disruptions are minimized with CTS technology. There's no waiting time for screens to dry or for manual adjustments. The process is smooth, from design upload to printing. Such seamlessness accelerates production timelines, allowing you to handle more orders in a shorter span. Computer-generated screen printing in Norman, OK, becomes an invaluable asset for businesses targeting quick turnarounds or dealing with high order volumes.

Minimizing Issues Like Traditional Production: With manual methods come a plethora of potential errors: smudging, misalignments and uneven ink distribution, to name a few. CTS printing, with its digital precision, significantly reduces these challenges. The digital-to-screen transition ensures designs are replicated perfectly each time, resulting in consistent quality and reduced waste.

Enhanced Screen Processing and Rinsing Techniques: CTS machines have advanced screen processing capabilities. They ensure screens are coated uniformly, translating to even ink distribution during printing. This uniformity results in crisper, clearer prints that meet high-quality standards. Post-printing, the integrated rinsing techniques in many CTS machines simplify cleanup. It makes sure screens are cleaned thoroughly, prolonging their lifespan.

Gaining Consistency: Consistency is the backbone of customer trust. When clients place bulk orders, they expect each item to mirror the other in terms of quality and design. CTS printing guarantees this level of consistency. The digital precision ensures each print is an exact replica of the one before, solidifying your brand's reputation for reliability and high standards.

Take Your Printing to the Next Level with Us

Why settle for the ordinary when exceptional is within reach? Dive into the future of printing with computer-to-screen technology. Experience unmatched precision, unparalleled efficiency and undeniable consistency. At University Silkscreen, we're ready to revolutionize your printing journey. Are you? Join the premier apparel printing company and lead the way.


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