Boosting Business with Company T-Shirts- Here’s How

When someone walks by in a t-shirt that immediately grabs your attention, maybe it's a clever design, a bold color choice, or a catchy phrase. Same goes with the power of company t-shirts when it is done right. But how do you ensure your shirts aren't just worn but actively promote your business? There are a few key factors to consider, from strategic design to clear messaging. Let's dive into the details of making your t-shirts work for you and how the right apparel printing company specializing in screen printing in Norman, OK, can help.

Strategic Word Placement

People naturally read from left to right and top to bottom – mimic this pattern with your t-shirt design. Prioritize the most important words, placing them where the eye falls first. Also, make sure to select the type or font that easily appeals to the viewers. A garbled message won't stick. Choose a reputable apparel printing company to ensure your text and logos are positioned for maximum impact.

Professional Design Matters

While it's easier and cheaper than ever to design and print t-shirts, be mindful of homemade designs. A sloppy logo or amateurish text sends the wrong message about your brand. It might be worth investing in a professional designer's touch for computer-designed texts and logos. If that's not feasible, an apparel printing company can often advise on design, logos and text helping your t-shirts look polished.

Make Contact Info Easy To Access

Your t-shirt's job is to pique someone's interest enough to make them want to find out more. Make that next step as effortless as possible! Include a simple phone number and a short, memorable website address. Bonus points if you utilize a QR code for instant connection. If you want your customers to remember your phone number in a short glance, use dashes instead of dots.

Prioritize Readable Text

Potential customers must be able to read your t-shirt, whether up close or from a distance. This is particularly important if it's on the back. Stick to clear fonts with good contrast against the shirt color. Sans-serif fonts (like Arial) are often a safe bet, but some serif fonts work well when sized generously. Seek advice from your apparel printing company about ideal text sizes and font choices.

Additional Tips For T-Shirt Success

  • Quality fabric: A well-made t-shirt looks professional and lasts longer.

  • Eye-catching colors: Choose colors that complement your brand and stand out from the crowd.

  • Clever messaging: A witty slogan or call to action can make your t-shirt unforgettable.

  • Employee uniforms: Outfit your staff with branded t-shirts for cohesive branding and easy customer identification.

  • Giveaway potential: T-shirts make great promotional items at events or as contest prizes.

Why Choosing The Right Apparel Printing Company Matters

The quality of your printed t-shirts reflects directly on your brand. A reputable apparel printing company offers expertise in several crucial areas:

  • High-quality results: Ensure vibrant colors, sharp lines, and lasting durability in reproducing your designs.

  • Professional guidance: Provides expert advice on design, fabric choices, and the best printing techniques for your vision.

  • Brand consistency: Maintains the integrity of your brand image with accurate color matching and logo reproduction.

  • Cost-effectiveness: Helps you avoid costly mistakes and reprints due to poor quality.

  • Timely delivery: Meets your deadlines for events, promotions, or launches.

Boost Your Brand With Custom Apparel From University Silkscreen

University Silkscreen is your trusted apparel printing company, specializing in screen printing in Norman, OKC. We can turn your company t-shirt vision into a powerful marketing tool. Let our expertise elevate your brand awareness. Contact us today!


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